November, 3rd, 2008
National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena
Richard F Haines
Location: Brazil
Type of Aircraft: B737-200
Airlines: VASP Brazilian Airlines
Date: 2nd semester of 1976
Name of reporting witness: Ana
Witnesses: Ana, the captain and the co-pilot
Time: after midnight
Ana says being present, as a flight attendant, in the flight 282 (Brasilia – SBBR –to Belém – SBBE), on date that she can’t precisely assure except it was in the second semester of 1976.
When all the passengers and her workmates were sleeping, thus during her duty time, she was called to the cockpit.
When she opened the door she was dazzled by an intense light that was emanating from a UAP that lightened fully the cockpit, so that the commandant was wearing sunglasses to protect himself.
The intensity of light was such that it was not possible to see her companions well.
The commandant asked the co-pilot to insist on contacting any control base, however, due to loss of signal, it was not possible.
The commandant said that there was a risk of colision and explosion.
When asked about the UAP’s dimensions, she said it was “something about our size” (referring to the B737).
Concerning interferences in the aircraft, she stated that they noticed only a total loss of radio communication.
Concerning the UAP’s arising, she said that the commandant reported that it approached from NE; a small dot that became the Boeing’s size, following the aircraft’s route in a 12 o’clock position for about 15 minutes.
The UAP afterwards, addressed the same direction (NE), ascendant, and disappeared.
The UAP’s shape could be compared to a drop of water changing shape and irradiating many colors, lilac as predominant.
When asked about any physical or mental disorder, she reported that nothing was felt, except that, when back to their base – São Paulo, all the three people were called to the VASP Medical Service , “typical sunburns” were noticed (when they woke up in Belém, after the flight, they noticed those burns), besides having felt (Ana) something like a kind of “alliance” feeling with the UAP (she felt fine).
The passangers haven’t seen the UAP, because the curtains were down.
The Operations Directory advised them not to comment anything publically.
Ana doesn’t remember the name of the crew, but she’s been searching for information that can drive her to them.
Obs.: This report is preliminar, but it will be definitive in case of not finding the other witnesses and in this case, it will be useful just as a reference to an anomalous encounter.
José A.C. Medeiros
Retired Captain
Bárbara Leite
segunda-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2008
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